Saturday, June 4, 2011

Buzz Builder NYC Orientation!

I was just talking to one of my best friends on Facebook chat. I asked what her plans were for the night and she replied she was working. She quickly followed up saying "g2g though not supposed to be on Facebook. we got lectured about how we could lose our jobs [insertsadface]".

This made me sad. I just spent the day at Likeable Media in NYC, the new place I will be calling home for the summer 4 days a week. Me, along with with 50+ other "buzz builders" will be dedicating our time and heart into increasing our client's likeability (did I just make that word up?). Here I was at Likeable getting introductory training on how to properly use Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare, Radian 6, and a plethora of other social media platforms that I will be, no doubt, using on a daily basis....and there was my friend working behind a desk and her job being threatened just for having one of those applications open during her shift.

Not only is that upsetting, especially for me who can't spend 30 minutes away from my laptop if I can help it, but it's also ridiculous. In a world where we are constantly connected, I don't understand jobs who are trying to fight the inevitable. Instead of reprimanding my friend for her Facebook use, why not tell her to do some researching on Facebook for their company (hotel actually, but I'll refrain from using any names). She could be creating a "like" page, seeing what competitors are doing, and responding to past/current/future guests.

If only everyone could be as smart as Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable, who has this science down to a T. His new book Likable Social Media (which I have already made a nice dent in) lays out the basics for any and every professional to use. *PS the book goes on sale on amazon tonight at MIDNIGHT and I highly suggest it for anyone in the working world. CLICK HERE*

In summary, I had a wonderful day in the NYC office. I already started making friends and connections, learned a TON more about social media, and got to pick up Dave's great book.

I also want to say - I'm so glad to be part of a company who does not punish for being on Facebook, but encourages its use. It's going to be a great summer and I couldn't be more excited.


  1. Great piece! Couldn't agree more with other companies allowing/disallowing Facebook- it IS inevitable... Nice meeting you yesterday and see you around the office!

  2. thanks Tyler! nice meeting you as well - looking forward to a great summer together!

  3. love it!!! and i totally agree...this company is amazing, all the Buzzies are amazing, you are amazing, this summer will be amazing and its a shame other companies arent jumping on the social media band wagon and helping themselves further and instead are punishing people for just moving with the times.

  4. no Jamie - YOU are amazing. can't wait to see your face 4 days a week.

  5. ha I get what you are saying, but like chatting with your friends on facebook is still chatting with your friends when you should be doing work, which admittedly I do, but there is a point that way.

    and I hate commenting because I commented on your other post about Hunger games (love love - excited for the movie) but I forget you have to press post, then put in a captcha and post again.

  6. I agree, Jenna - you shouldn't be chatting with friends but I was just saying her hotel could also be using social media to their advantage, instead of banning it all together.
