Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why I Don't Have a Smart Phone

I am a bit ashamed to admit that I am one of three people in my office without a smart phone. I know, it's the 21st century and my flaming blue slide-out keyboard sprint LG rumor 2 is no longer "cool". I know one day I will make the switch to a hip, 4G smart phone, but until now I'm sticking with my "oldschool" phone. And here are my top 3 reasons why:

1. Sprint does not make the iPhone. If I'm going to join the rest of society, I refuse to do it with a blackberry. I am a hardcore Mac cult member with an iPad, iPod, and MacBook. The iPhone is literally screaming my name. Unfortunatley, I am on my family plan on the Sprint network and Sprint does not make the iPhone. And because I am not making a set salary and have no money to support a data plan or even my own monthly bill, it is impossible for me to break away from my family plan that my mom so kindly pays for.

2. As a BuzzBuilder at Likeable Media, I am glued to my computer screen all day long - constantly checking client's facebook posts and @replys on twitter. When I finally pack my computer away, the last thing I want to do is be anywhere near social media. I want time to relax, read, listen to music, watch TV, cook, work out...anything but be on facebook and twitter. And with a smart phone, I would literally be connected 24/7 .. and I know I would be too distracted to do other things..so for my own benefit it's best I don't get one right now.

3. Finally, I get extremely annoyed when me and a friend are out to dinner or hanging out together and I'm trying to have a conversation with them and they ignore me because they have a notification. When you're alone or on a train and have nothing better to do but obsessively check your phone every 30 seconds - fine. But when you're in a social situation and the other person is mid-story and you stop and go "Sorry, one second" and flip through 27 apps on your phone...it makes me livid. I don't want to become that girl.

Do you have a smart phone? What are the pros of being connected all the time? If you don't have one, what's stopping you from getting one? Comment below!


  1. Great post- it's difficult to say- because clients contact me late at night and sometimes you do need to answer and most of the time you won't be near a computer. With that said, I often get the feeling that I want to be disconnected. I feel the urge to look at my phone ALL the time- something older generations don't understand. My dad always says "is that phone glued to your hand?" Nevertheless, with information all around me- at 9pm sometimes I want to tweet something, upload a picture to facebook, or check-in on foursquare. It keeps me connecting- something I value now that I have a smartphone.

  2. I'm on sprint too, and there are some awesome android options :) (faster than the iphone). I have the palm pixi, the functionality is great, but the body design is terrible... the pre is great option though. The number one reason why I love my smart phone: Google Maps.

  3. Thanks Marissa - the older generation for sure doesn't understand our need to be on our phone 24/7. And I'm sure once I finally give in, I will be the epitome of obnoxiousness checking in everywhere

    Aubrie - I've looked into sprint smart phones - nothing appeals to me like an iPhone though. And YES I find myself wishing I had Google Maps all the friggen time.

  4. I totally agree! I also am one of the only buzz builders I am sure who doesn't have a smart phone as well. My reasons are mostly the same as yours, with the biggest being I do want to disconnect at the end of the day as well.

    As much as our jobs are in social media, how can we be held liable to be available 24/7. Don't other people get sick of it too?

    Sometimes you wanna space out and do something different without those distractions.

  5. For sure! Plus, I feel like my laptop would be a thing of the past and I love my Mac..it just wouldn't be as necessary with a phone that does just about as much as it.

  6. you're welcome for the "family plan"!!! and YES the "older generation" does understand...but it is annoying when you are trying to have a conversation with someone and they are checking their emails... that;s what computers are for!!

  7. I completely agree on the conversation thing. Even with a regular phone I can't stand when people are texting while you're trying to talk to them. I have a blackberry for the sole reason that I'm the most curious person in the world, but also the most forgetful. I love having google literally at the tips of my fingers to answer my burning questions right at that moment. I actually read a study that our generation is getting smarter because of "googling"!!

  8. Thanks Mom & Allison for your input! .. and I really do love Google as well!!
